.35 / .358 caliber vegetable fiber wads, .030" thick, .360 diameter. These are the thick powder wads we use in our shot load kits.
1,000 veggie wads for only $17.00. They come packed in a reusable zip lock bag.
Posted by Dennis on Nov 17th 2021
I loaded 38 special cartridges using the .030" and the .060 vegetable fiber wads in my recipe. I sized and primed the cases. I dropped 5.0 grains of Unique in the case and placed one of the .060 wads on top and compressed it with a tight fitting wooden dowel. I then added 74 grains of #8 shot on top. I capped the shot with the .030 wad and compressed it too. I used some Tightbond wood glue on top to secure the lead.
I set up a paper target and also a few tin cans and the loads patterned well enough that I feel confident they will get the job done.I shot the cans with the bottoms facing me about 15-20 feet away. Each one had 3-5 shot through the bottom and several along the exposed sides.
The fiber wads are perfect for this application.